And Mommy dearest, she seemed to have this utter concern that my brother would not ever be happy with his soon-to-be-wife of a girlfriend. While from my point of view, her worries were the ones that caused all of the dramas in the family. My brother is a happy-go-lucky guy. He seemed to posses the power to be happy so easily. He didn’t worry too much, all he needs to do is face the day with his head up high, enjoying the good and taking care of any obstacle in front of him. And furthermore, I like this girl and I trust that they’re gonna be just fine. Then I wonder why do people worry so much about uncertainties of life. Sometimes even forgetting that today is a beautiful day, one that shall be enjoyed together immensely.
I do have my own future problems to ponder around, business expansions that were good on paper, yet seemed to be slow in reality. Another looming on-going project that needed to be financed as soon as possible, yet we were still unable to get paid on past successful projects. But I choose not to worry so much, because I just knew that somehow help is on its way. I just need to pay a closer attention to the conditions and the supportive people around me.
At least I got one foot at the door, as my dear friend seemed to be able to take certain controls of her wariness. She started performing personal restrains, from fasting, reducing her smoke habits, even controlling her emotions, churning out more gratitude and less on the complaining side. Better, she stopped being angry all the time. I said to her, “Now since you were already able to curb your desires to eat, to smoke, and able to manage your anger, you might just add one more thing on your list that you need to control: The desire to ask what’s gonna happen in the future or your near future… ”.
While basically some tips from the future might boost up confidence in us humanis, I do still enjoy the mysteries of life. I prefer to be kept in the dark sometimes, so the end-result would be as sweet as the journeys that I am taking on my day-to-day basis. Furthermore, somehow I felt that it was just simply wrong to predict, as human being, this didn’t seem to be our privilege to know our future, never was and never will.
Part 2.
And with this freedom to choose my own paths, I recently was introduced to a very peculiar being. Well, actually friendster introduced us (yes, friendster is still alive you people!), while yahoo messenger beautifully handled the second step.
Something cute was written in his “about me” profile: About a happy human being. Ah, finally, someone who thinks that he is happy. A very rare breed that you don’t see around us lately. I found him as insane as myself (in a happy crazy insane way of korz). Someone who wanted to keep his big secret, that the Last Emperor of China is still alive (i.e himself). Eventhough, I had this impression that Pu Yi died in the arms of his second wife, Li Xin, a commoner, sometime in 1967. Well, if he was still alive, at least it would explain how he was so knowledgeable of the 70-s era. Things that I wouldn’t be exposed to as I was just a mere toddler.
“But you seemed to know a lot as well?” he defended himself.
“Cuz I too, was born in 1540 in Turkey, at the time when my father helped arrange the peace treaty between Venice and Turkey in the Constantinople Truce”
Ok that was fun, so what’s the big mystery you might ask?
While sometimes he slipped by referring to a scene from Arisan (a hit gay themed Indonesian movie), or inserting some gay slang (pepsi v. : gay slang for asking for a pee break; or I swam telenji mode in a Lombok beach, telenji adj. : derived from the word telanjang, nude), the point was, I still don’t even know about his orientation.
The way we were introduced was kinda online-ly gay. Do unknown straight people ask for your friendster friendlist and later in return receive a request for a ym session? Funny tho, during the conversations there was nothing gay about this person. He didn’t ask about my orientation, and I was too princess-ey to be the one who’d open the might-be-sensitive discussion.
I’ll just let it flow lah. It would be mighty interesting if he is. But then again if he is not, I wouldn’t mind getting a crazy, history-travel-movie-and-music buff, of a new friend.
Additional comment: If life is a gift from the gods, then I think it will be so exciting just to guess what's the next wonderfully mysterious gift that we will receive in the future.
Welcome to my world,

Prof. Utonium
Copyright: Opening Image. Corbis © 2008
1 comment:
It is extremely interesting for me to read the post. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.
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